The Power Of A Hug

Suzette BrawnerGeneral

The Power Of A Hug

Statistics prove the importance of physical touch for newborns. It can be life giving. But think about it … do we ever really outgrow the need for a pat on the back or, more importantly, a hug? Hugs are powerful. Did you know a hug can actually lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate?

There are so many different kinds of hugs. The full, tight hugs I get from my grandkids are medicine for my soul. The hugs from my adult kids say, “I love you Mom”, without a word being uttered. The side hug from my friend Debbie-Jo whispers, “I’ve missed you friend.” The squeeze Jim Brawner gives me as he leaves in the morning assures me he’ll be back that night. Comfort, encouragement, assurance, “way to go”, and “I love you” all are communicated with a simple nonverbal hug.

Once, in the Seattle airport parking garage, while we were cramming luggage for 5 into a midsize rental car, a hug saved a potential vacation spoiler. Our grade school kids were hungry and had hit the limit of enjoying each other’s company. Jill and Travis were about to tear into it when Jim said in a volume that had strangers turning to see if he was talking to them, ”OK you two, right here on the curb!”

They shuffled over and stared in disbelief as their dad said,  “OK, now hug until we get everything packed into this car.”

That hug was like the magic dust. Everyone, including all the weary travelers who sat down suitcases to watch, started laughing. (Taming The Family Zoo, Chapter 4).

Today is National Hug Day. Share the magic and lower some blood pressure. Celebrate with big hugs.