In the last few years there have been plenty of 30 day challenges, things like losing weight, random acts of kindness, and P90X killer workouts. I usually don’t jump in because I’m prone to not make the 30 days because of what I think are valid excuses. And nothing beats me up more than starting something and not finishing.
The craziest challenge I took on and completed was 365 days posting on the blog in 2010. I thought that one up all by myself and two years I’m still wondering why. OK, that was a little overboard, but now I fully understand the meaning of burn out. Certainly that’s why my posts have been sketchy at best. I’m finally ready to write again.
It’s the last official day for the 30 day November grateful journey. I, of course, didn’t take the challenge. However this morning when I heard Jim Brawner get out of bed, I was overwhelmed with gratefulness: grateful he’s the father of my three kids and Big to my gaggle of grandkids, grateful he is such a man of integrity and loyalty, and grateful he loves me in spite of me.
I suppose when I married him while we were both still in college, I did take on a challenge of sorts, kind of a lifetime challenge. Anyone who says marriage isn’t challenging is lying or taking too much Valium. But, I suppose all of our trials and highs and lows have only made us stronger. Mistakes yes, regrets none, because trial and error have made us who we are.
Grateful I took that challenge a long time ago … you bet. There’s no one I’d rather do life with than Jim Brawner.