I stuck an I LOVE YOU note on Jim Brawner’s wallet as I left for Hot Yoga the other day. When I stumbled back in the front door I walked to my desk to see if the world had totally fallen apart in the last hour and a half and there was a pink note for me. THANK YOU. That’s … Read More
Why can’t I remember going to the grocery store at 5 o’clock on Friday afternoon is not the wisest of choices? Every time I go in with my list to conquer, I either leave frustrated or laughing. I’ve decided laughing is much more fun. One Friday I had a lapse of memory and walked through those automatic doors for three … Read More
Uncle Roy
After a delayed-three-times flight finally landed at the Northwest Arkansas airport, we still faced the hour and a half drive through the back roads to home. We grabbed our bags and two large coffees and 20 minutes later located the car we had parked three days earlier. That trip is why I now take a picture of those letters and … Read More
I Can Fix It
The parking lot was empty and it was late. Walking to my car, mentally rehearsing whether I should run or fight if confronted, someone said my name. Because my best moves are more like Kung Fu Panda than Bruce Lee, I figured I’d better establish my confidence with a loud, “What?” as I turned around. There stood a beautiful, petite … Read More
Life Is Too Short For Bad Coffee
After carefully compiling airline miles on two different carriers, adding up hotel rewards points, and digging out the best rental car coupon, we had made it to Seattle for vacation. According to the dictionary vacation means a period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, and relaxation. According to every mom of young, very active kids a family vacation simply means … Read More
The Debate Team and A Water Heater
My argument composed perfectly, I dialed the Whirlpool customer service number. Joni Thalheimer and I were teammates in the mostly male high school debate tournament world and we could take out the best of them. So I was confident I could handle any push back from a guy who didn’t want to cover my six-month-old faulty water heater. After hitting … Read More
Time And Hair
The salon was beautiful and highly recommended. The rates confirmed it should be the best in New York City. I sat down, took a deep breath, and relaxed. I had been away from home for several weeks so I rationalized what I was about to spend. I even felt a little bit important as the hairdresser flipped the cape and … Read More
Taking It For Granted At The DMV
Sometimes I think “Talk To Me” is written across my forehead. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I make eye contact and ask the obligatory “How are you?” not really expecting a history of the last five years. Who am I kidding? I’ve poured my heart out to the cashier at the Super Center. Waiting in a long line at … Read More
Sally Dog and Tic-Tacs
A few weeks ago I drove two hours to have a three-hour lunch with my friend Sharon. We see each other every five or ten years or so. We discussed kids and work and the college guys we married and are still hanging on to. There was a whole lot of laughing and a little bit of eating. We promised, … Read More
Trash, Treasures, and the KonMari Method
I know it’s a scientific fact opposites attract. Jim Brawner and I agree on a lot but could not be more opposite when it comes to keeping things. I don’t like clutter so I stand at the trashcan to open mail. He stacks it on the kitchen counter for later. Later never comes. He keeps extra things just in case. … Read More